
SF2 File Converter/Compressor 1.2.2 (macOS)

Convert SF2 SoundFonts to SF3 (Vorbis) or SF4 (FLAC) and back. This utility converts SF2 files to SF3 format, using Ogg Vorbis for sample compression (SF3 is natively supported by MuseScore). Conversion of SF3 back to SF2 is also possible, however since Ogg Vorbis is lossy, SF3 is not useful for archiving purposes.

Alternatively, sf2convert converts to a new proposed SF4 format (not a standard in any way yet), using lossless FLAC for sample compression. This format is well suited for archiving and maybe a workable replacement for the legacy sfArk format.

The sf2convert utility is open source. The source code is available on GitHub.

Requires OS X 10.11 or later.


Compression with Ogg Vorbis (o)
sf2convert -zo <infile.SF2> <outfile.SF3>

Compression with FLAC (f)
sf2convert -zf <infile.SF2> <outfile.SF4>

Extraction of any compressed format:
sf2convert -x <infile.SF3> <outfile.SF2> 
sf2convert -x <infile.SF4> <outfile.SF2>
For additional options, run the utility with an empty command line. Source code is available on GitHub.

0.00 KB aktualisiert am 2023-06-15

Download sf2convert-1.2.2-osx.zip

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