

Synfire is completely agnostic to sounds and style. Providing music examples for Synfire is much like cooking example meals for a kitchen. The food doesn't really say much about the kitchen. Anyway, here are a few examples we have built for testing Synfire's features.

Cinematic Variations

Arrangement A This atmosphere is based on a few very simple phrases and a harmony sequence generated by the Factory. Sketches like this can be created in less than 30 minutes if you already have an idea of what sounds you want to use.

Arrangement B The following examples are variations on a similar theme, which were created as part of a coherent project. The first was composed from a handful of phrases, edited manually and tested with different harmonic progressions until this result emerged.

Arrangement A + B (Layered) We literally dropped the two tracks above together and got this dense texture of subliminal melodies. An overlay of 4:4 time with 3:4. Every time you listen you will find new lines to follow.

Harmony First Workflow

This workflow (on of many) derives melodies from a harmony progression. The fastest path to a consistent prototype you can export and orchestrate in a DAW. This cinematic opening was composed and arranged in three hours (raw bounce-to-disk without mixing). The workflow is explained here.


Let's start with a pop song. The chords were picked from the Palette. The melody was originally improvised along the playback and later refined by modifying and transforming Figures. Synfire was a great help while trying dozens of different bass lines and instrumental phrases. Instrumental melodies were sketched with broad strokes. Vocals by Solaria, lyrics human-made.

Only an hour later we finished this piano version by dropping phrases from a library and tweaking them.


This piece was prototyped in real-time using Snippets. Like all examples here, it is not a finished production. In fact your production will start from here.


Just one or two phrases can get an entire song started from scratch. This example takes two phrases generated by Factories that were taken from the Example Piano library (The Pale Rider, Entangled Lines), splits them by symbol type and uses the resulting lines for different instruments. Listen to the generated phrases first, then a few parts that were arranged based on them.

This rudiment was arranged a bit further and has evolved to become the example track The Pale Rider .


Generative factories do not make any assumptions about genre or style. Their internal rules are universal and the range of expression is vast. You will never get clichés or stereotypes, except by pure chance. If you want standards like reggae, boogie, or bossa nova, you'll probably get results faster with an auto-accompaniment arranger keyboard. If you want striking and memorable expressions as building blocks for your work, use Synfire. Here is a medley of generated phrases (that happened to fall into many different styles).

Tip: The parts of a piano phrase (left hand, right hand, chords) can be played by different instruments. A simple trick to build consistent textures or patterns that may become the basis of a great song. With Synfire Pro you can generate thousands of phrases and render them against as many different chord progressions.


This example features 10 instances of the virtual analog synth Sprike that you can download for free from our site. Electronic music often builds on short loops arranged in ever changing combinations. This is relatively easy with Synfire. This piece was arranged in a few hours.

This piece also lends itself to real-time arrangement using the Snippets feature (Express, Pro). Snippets are somewhat similar to live loops in a DAW, except Synfire can render them against any harmony you select during playback.

Developing Grooves

Rhythm is more than drums. Dropping phrases from a library on instruments in a simple arrangement ensures that you can test variants quickly and find one that works best for you.

Acid Jazz

Ok, the trumpets sound flat and cheesy. But that's not the point here. This example shows what can be built from a simple progression, a melody and bass line in relatively short time.

Compose Around a Given Melody

Here we had only a vocal take and nothing else. The rest was built around the melody with Synfire. Using the Harmonizer, a chord progression was found that matches the melody. Then the arrangement was filled with phrases (bass, drums, organ, E-piano, etc) and edited.

Walk In Space

Simple Input, Organic Output

This example is a demo showing how only a few short phrases can make up a dense and lively "hand made" texture that can make a great foundation for a song or soundtrack. (Read the entire tutorial here). The piece also features a very unconventional key change near the end that was a pleasure to compose using the Palette feature of Synfire.


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